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Type-400S Clad Splicer Is Fast, Versatile and Easy to Use
All the FTTx Fiber Splices in One Machine
Various Kits Available - A Great Value - A Great Price
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The T-400S Offers Simple Operation With a Brand New Interface
Type-400S Comes With a 1 Year Warranty and 24/7 Technical Support!
SEL’s new T-400S Active Clad Handheld Fusion Splicer features a high resolution display, fiber end face evaluation and post joining loss estimation providing assurance of a successful fiber termination. The handheld fusion splicer removes the technician judgement call required on all other forms of termination by using advanced optical technology, high precision motors and the latest embedded software to completely automate the installation of an optical connector and all at a cost similar to low tech, tool centric connector systems.
Sumitomo T-400S Features
- Capable of Fusion Splicing an Array of Fiber Types and Deployment Time Periods
- Competitive 6 Second Fusion Splicing and 24 Second Heat Shrinking Times
- Ruggedized Design
- Consistent Quality Low Loss Splicing
- Simple Operation by Brand-New User Interface for Quick and Easy Program Navigation and Analysis
- Handheld Operation for Fast Set-Up in Minimal Work Space Environments
- Lynx2 CustomFit Splice-On Connector Compatible
- FTTx Initiatives in One Machine
Sumitomo T-400S Adaptive Clad Aligning Splicer Kits & Pricing
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